Articulate Africa: Cover Versions
“Seeing African Literature Again”
Curate.A.Space, in collaboration with the African Art Centre, curated the exhibition,
“COVER VERSIONS: Seeing African Literature Again” for the Articulate Africa Book and Art Fair in Durban 2018.
Great works of African literature have been published internationally to great acclaim. However the covers have traditionally been designed to appeal to a Western audience and market rather than to an African audience, leading to repetition of the same often clichéd themes.
This exhibition using artworks from the collection of the Durban Art Gallery and selected artists associated with the African Art Centre. Works have been chosen to respond to titles given to African books and whilst they do not always represent the contents they have been chosen with the relevant book title in mind.
Text and image come together to attract the eye as well as to encourage and excite audiences to explore African creators.
This theme brings together art and literature in an exciting way and links South Africa to the African continent in a celebration of both disciplines.